A dissertation is a work that should present the final results of a research performed by a student before gaining a degree.
The sheer size of the work speaks of its seriousness and writing it may seem an intimidating process.
In order to ease into it, it’s reasonable to divide it into steps, each of which will bring you closer to finish.

A Dissertation Writing Walkthrough for Students

Step #1: Write a Dissertation Proposal

A proposal is like a shorter version of a thesis in which you should persuade the committee members that the question you are going to address in your work is actual and important. Your proposal should сcontain the following:

  • The information on what your work is about.
  • Probable questions that you are going to analyze.
  • References to the background sources.
  • Research methods you are going to use.
  • Outcomes of the study that you anticipate.

Step #2: Do Thorough Research

Set time limits for the research stage. The number of resources you could use is uncountable and you should limit yourself to the most relevant ones only. Use the Internet, but be aware that there are many untrustworthy websites out there.

You may also use government sources. These contain hundreds of different reports but learn to discern and avoid government bias.

Don’t forget about traditional libraries. These are worth your attention as you may ask a librarian to provide you with some interesting materials.

Step #3: Write a First Draft

Now that you have gotten through two important stages, it will be easier to start writing the first draft. Don’t worry about possible mistakes and inaccuracies at this stage. You will be able toeliminate them later. Follow the next order of things when writing:

  1. Introduction.
  2. Start with the background of the problem. Talk about the purpose of the study and the research question then. Don’t forget to mention what results you expect to receive in the end.

  3. Methodology.
  4. Talk about the methods of data collection you have employed to get your results and how you implement the latter. There are empirical and non-empirical methods. In the case of using empirical ones, explain how you ensure the accuracy of the results.

  5. Findings.
  6. Restate your questions and analyze the results you got. It’s at this stage that you should demonstrate your intellectual capabilities.

  7. Conclusions.
  8. Sum up the work, not forgetting to explain why its results matter for the academic community and what they mean in practice.

  9. Bibliography.
  10. Include references to all the sources you turned to when doing research and writing your study.

Step #4: Edit and Proofread Your Study

Take a break after finishing your draft. Thus you will be able to better see the deficiencies of your work when editing. Do the editing, first paying attention to the essential flaws of your writing such as information gaps or absence of logical connection.

Having completed the editing, start proofreading. Make sure that nothing is distracting your attention as you have to correct all grammar, spelling, and style mistakes. Since you may have spent too much time working on your paper to be able to see all your mistakes clearly, it may be reasonable to have another person proofread it.

Step #5: Get Feedback

You need to have your study reviewed before submitting it. Assign this task to your fellow student or whomever you want, the only condition being that you should trust them. Discuss the project with your instructor as well. He or she will help you see the points of your work that need improvement and give you advice on how to prepare the work for presentation.